Bridging the Divide
There are a number of challenges in the agriculture sector in Newfoundland and Labrador. This project aims to resolve the following issues:
- The shortage of skilled farm labour in the agriculture industry.
- The low participation rate of refugees in the provincial labour force.
- The need for a farm training program that places and integrates refugees with suitable farm labour skills into the province’s agriculture industry.
- The knowledge gap in the production of secondary products in the agriculture sector in Newfoundland and Labrador. Many refugees are knowledgeable in the production of secondary products which would help to fill this gap and diversify the agriculture sector in the province.
Bridging the Divide will connect skilled refugee farmers to agricultural employment in Newfoundland and Labrador, while ensuring that refugee families have the support they need to stay in the community, work, and support their families.
Primary Research Question
How do we resolve the four obviously linked issues (mentioned above) that face Newfoundland and Labrador’s labor market?
Research led by The Association for New Canadians, in partnership with Memorial University.
Research to be conducted within communities across Newfoundland and Labrador.
January 2018 – November 2023 *This research project is completed.
Research Project Updates
This slide deck was presented at a Stakeholder Briefing on November 15, 2023.
This video was presented at the NL Workforce Innovators Roundtable 2021 on October 5.