Regional Workforce Development Committees
Workforce Development is a people-first approach with a focus on employment initiatives that address the creation and retention of a viable workforce through skills training, collaboration and matching of employers and employees with the objective of economic prosperity for individuals, businesses and communities.
Source: What is Workforce Development?
The Regional Workforce Development Committees are developing and implementing action plans to address workforce development needs specific to regions across the province. This includes development and dissemination of labour market information, identifying priority focus areas for training and skills development and collaborative use of labour market programs and services, including immigration-related supports.
The implementation of these ten committees in ten regions across Newfoundland and Labrador is one of NLWIC’s core activities. A concurrent research project funded by the Future Skills Centre will test and evaluate the design, setup and operations as a new model of workforce development in Newfoundland and Labrador during this first year.
Regional Workforce Development Committees Updates:
NL LMI Infographics Sets
NLWIC has compiled Labour Market Information (LMI) for each region of the province and created 10 regional LMI Infographic sets.
In November 2019, the provincial government mandated four new core activities for the NLWIC, including Action #9: to develop regionally tailored workforce development action plans.
Research Collaboration
NLWIC, in collaboration with the Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills (IPGS), has entered into a research project in partnership with Future Skills Centre to use the development and implementation of these committees in Newfoundland and Labrador as a real-time case study of regional workforce development collaborations.
NLWIC rolling out Regional Workforce Development Committees across the Province
NLWIC News Release – November 25, 2021
Melissa Feaver
Program Coordinator
t: 709 637 8624